Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Garden

I remember gardening as a tedious task of weeding and watering and could never really see the point of it. Probably because I didn't eat vegetables growing up. But a friend got me started on square foot gardening this year and I finally get what all the fuss is about. No weeding, minimal watering and my plants are HUGE already. Actually, since we recently started having a monsoon season in Utah, I haven't had to water at all.

Newly planted with green onions, anaheim peppers, tomatoes (I know I don't eat tomatoes, but I like salsa -hence the onions and peppers), yellow crookneck squash, and an unidentified plant that was supposed to be a pepper, but I have my doubts.

Just two weeks later.

Less than 4 weeks after planting.

Any guesses on what this is? It was in the pony pack with my anaheim peppers.

First Strawberry of the Season!
(planted in hanging baskets)


M'lis said...

I think I figured out what the mystery plant is. It started sprouting purple blossoms. I think it is an eggplant. I guess time will tell.

M'lis said...

Yup. It was am eggplant alright. Anyone got any good recipes?